
Areopagus is a scrappy agency. With energy. Creativity. Grit. Experience. And we have ideals we bring to work. Every day. Whatever you need, we help plan, capture and create.
A Human Touch
We offer everything you’d expect from a creative team: strategy, execution, excellence and the rest. We’re good at it. But there’s more. We work with you not for you. Our strengths compliment yours and together we do great things.

Featured Project
Make it fun
But make it instructional. Our client wanted an easy-to-grasp way to convey basic information about their foundational leadership development program. It had to be captivating. It had to translate key concepts in to everyday language. It needed to work both as self-directed learning and in mediated workshops. Our national team sketched and delivered the animated LEADS domain video series.
Our Services

Strategy and tactics. We help you with the big plans and then the media and distribution concepts.

Areopagus is platform inclusive: print, web, video, audio, motion, stock, social… we excel at it all.

Not sure how to say this without sounding trite or pandering. Here goes… we care. We like our clients. We get excited birthing their projects. We go the extra mile. We don’t nickel and dime. We see our collaborations with you as partnerships in message making, story telling and excellence.

Plans? Projects? IDeas?
Let’s talk about your vision!
Call Bramwell at 204-298-4932 or send us an email.
Email with questions or comments:
admin @ areopagus.ca